FLSSP Celebrates Five Years of Success

On Sept. 27, more than 50 people came out to the park on a beautiful fall evening to celebrate  FLSSP’s accomplishments since its inception in 2013, introduce new officers, honor volunteers and share food and drink.

Nikki Fields, a state parks planner, also gave a progress report on work being done to update the Lake Sammamish State Park master plan and environmental review. She also discussed the long-awaited boating dock, hopefully coming in 2019 but dependent on assorted required permits.

New board officers were announced including Debbie Berto as president and David Bush as president-elect. Rich Benson and Norah Carse will continue as treasurer and secretary respectively. John Sherwin, president for two years, will continue on the executive committee as past president.

The organization also recognized two outstanding volunteers — Norah Carse and Bill Matson — who have helped with children’s programming, event planning, and led watershed restoration initiatives. John Sherwin was recognized for his valuable contributions and leadership over the past three years.

If you’d like to help improve our urban oasis, there are many ways to get involved. Please contact director@flssp.org for more information.


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