35 Things to Do at the Park - #25 Play Chess or Checkers

25 Play Chess or Checkers!

Next to the playground, you will find a chess or checker board all set up, just waiting for players. Just bring your own pieces and challenge a partner while you watch children at play on one side and the sun shining on the lake waters on your other side. See you there!

  1. Swimming

  2. Bird watching

  3. Nature treasure hunt

  4. Geocaching

  5. Paddle boarding

  6. Kayaking

  7. Fishing

  8. Launch your boat

  9. Volleyball

  10. Picnicking

  11. Playground

  12. Native plant trail

  13. Soccer

  14. Nature photography

  15. Watch a sunset

  16. Trail hikes

  17. Bicycling (connect to E. Lake Sammamish Trail)

  18. Birthday parties

  19. Company picnics

  20. Family reunion

  21. Walk the dog (on a leash)

  22. Build a sand castle

  23. Get sprayed by the big heron

  24. Ride the zip line

  25. Play chess or checkers

  26. Attend a Jr. Ranger program

  27. Attend a festival or event

  28. Go for a run

  29. Salmon watch

  30. Practice "catch"

  31. Volunteer for FLSSP in event planning

  32. Plein air painting

  33. Day camp with a youth group

  34. Habitat restoration volunteer

  35. Gardening/beautification volunteer


35 Things to Do in the Park - #14 Nature Photography


Conservation Challenge - April