Conservation Challenge - May

Go Organic!

As we shelter in place and take time to work on our lawns and gardens, please consider using organic products.

Landscaping and gardening practices can harm water quality. Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are chemicals that pose risks to human health and to the environment. Overuse of fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen can impair water quality  by causing “eutrophication,” a condition where high levels of nutrients cause algae blooms, which in turn reduce the level of dissolved oxygen available in the water supply and can cause wildlife to die. 

Fortunately, there are simple things you can do to reduce the use of harmful chemicals. 

Use organic products:

  • Use non-hazardous alternatives for plant sprays, cleaners, polishes, preservatives, and pet products.

  • EPA provides simple recipes for homemade alternatives involving common products like lemon juice, vinegar, baking soda, and plant oils.

  • Limit product application and use chemical products only when absolutely necessary.

These simple things will improve the environment for us and for the wildlife around our watershed.



Lake Sammamish Had its Own Ferry


Lake Sammamish State Park to Open May 5