Debbie Berto, FLSSP Founding Member, Exits After 9 Years of Service

Debbie Berto, a founding member of FLSSP, supported Lake Sammamish State Park even before FLSSP was formed. More than fourteen years ago, Debbie chaired the task force that drafted the master plan for the park. When state park officials convened the public to consider a Friends Group in 2013, Debbie was one of the original five who agreed to help organize the non-profit. She has been on the board of directors ever since.

When the original board members decided that the park really needed a new playground, Debbie got to work immediately, leading the effort to raise $1.1 million needed. She also took on leadership of the Events Committee that sparked Parkadilly Kids’ Concert & Fair, Walk'n Wag and Camp S'more family campout and the Lake Sammamish Polar Plunge. Through her work, these new events brought in an additional 8,000 visitors into LSSP a year. They are now anticipated each year by the eastside community. Over the past nine years, her efforts, vision and success with negotiating with elected officials have truly impacted LSSP.

Debbie will continue to champion for LSSP, lead events and help acquire grants to fund the Comprehensive Trails Plan. She will also play a role in FLSSP communications, helping with the editing and writing of press releases. This comes naturally to her after 40 years with The Issaquah Press, before she retired in 2014.

Community service is Debbie's lifelong passion and Lake Sammamish State Park and FLSSP have been the lucky beneficiaries. 


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