Remembering Norah Carse

Long-time FLSSP board member and past secretary Norah Carse passed away on Wednesday, August 18 from congestive heart failure.

Norah's energy, enthusiasm and commitment to our work and to the community was an inspiration.  Norah joined FLSSP in 2016 and contributed to the growth and success of the organization in countless ways. Even in her 80's she was always quick to lend a hand and help out.

Her daughter Catharine Duffy recalls, “The last time my mother saw Lake Sammamish State Park was in June.  We had some time to kill before lunch so she wanted to drive into the park for a look. It was a beautiful sunny day. She loved seeing people using the park for their walks, picnics, kayaking, the playground, and sunbathing.  She loved all the activity.  Lake Sammamish was my mother’s heaven on earth.”

Norah will be remembered for her spunky, enthusiastic nature, intellect, sarcastic wit, and her wonderful meals full of good discussions and laughter.

Her daughter has generously named FLSSP as a beneficiary organization for donations in her memory.


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