Lake Sammamish State Park is Recycling

Lake Sammamish State Park has new recycling carts available for a special pilot program at Sunset Beach.  Carts are blue and are placed by existing garbage cans or dumpsters to make it easy for park visitors to recycle.

Now is a great time to familiarize yourself with what goes in each bin- at home in Issaquah, and also at the park.  We will primarily be collecting bottles, cans and cups for recycling at Sammamish State Park.  We have simplified the listing to items visitors will have.  The complete list of what goes in recycling and garbage can be found here:

Remember, please don’t “wish cycle”!  “Wish Cycling” is throwing items in the recycling that you hope someone will be able to handle- that are clearly not listed on the acceptable recycling list.  “Wish Cycling” ends up contaminating the entire container of good recyclables and all materials are then thrown away.  Only put items in the recycling that you are 100% sure are accepted.  When in doubt, throw it out. 

We estimate that potentially 520 cubic yards of recyclables will now be recycled at Lake Sammamish State Park per year.  That is the same amount as filling five and a half school buses of material and keeping it out of the landfill.

The benefits of recycling include:

  • Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators

  • Conserves natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals

  • Increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials

  • Prevents pollution by reducing the need to mine raw materials

  • Saves energy

  • Supports American manufacturing and conserves valuable resources

  • Creates new jobs in the recycling and manufacturing industries in the United States


Dell work party at Lake Sammamish State Park


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