Protect, Respect, and Restore Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands

Thank you for your support this past week as we took a look at popular info and reminders as we head into peak recreation season. Consider signing the pledge to help Protect, Respect, and Restore Snoqualmie Tribe Ancestral Lands!

There are simple steps everyone can take while recreating on Snoqualmie ancestral lands to practice respect and help the Tribe in protecting and restoring these lands for generations to come. Sign this pledge to show your support for this effort, and to encourage others to do the same. 

  1. Treat the lands with the respect they deserve, by picking up your own trash, and that of others that you see, properly disposing of pet waste, and staying on designated trails.

  2. Commit to experience the lands in a way that is centered in mindfulness rather than conquest.

  3. Learn more about the Snoqualmie Tribe and its history and deep connections to these lands, and support the work the Tribe does today to continue stewarding these lands

  4. Acknowledge that you are recreating on Snoqualmie ancestral lands through both written or verbal acknowledgement and through practice

  5. Help the Tribe spread its message by encouraging others to learn more and practice land acknowledgment both on and off the trails


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