Volunteering with FLSSP

This is the second in a series of items to be published monthly in 2023 by FLSSP Board Members. Thank you to President Jayme Jonas for this contribution.

Love to garden but don't have enough space in your own yard?  Looking for ways to help keep our park free and clear of the litter when you visit? Have you wished you could volunteer at the park but can't make it to our volunteer events?  If so, FLSSP is excited to offer a pilot volunteer opportunity for you: individuals who would like to garden or help out on their own time!

If you are interested in participating download this application, complete the missing information, and email a signed copy back to operations@flssp.org. Once your application has been reviewed and approved, we will email back instructions, including weeding locations and guidelines.


In 2020, FLSSP prioritized the beautification of the landscaping installed at the Sunset Beach playground and esplanade.  We held a number of very successful volunteer events between October 2020 and June 2021 to weed, plant, and mulch all of these gardens, but we didn’t quite finish the job: the final two “bump-out” gardens along the esplanade running from the Sunset Beach Bathhouse to the Issaquah Creek boardwalk still had weeds and needed mulch. 

During the busy summer season, it was difficult to schedule weekend volunteer events so FLLSP President Jayme Jonas made occasional visits on quiet weekday mornings to finish the job.  On each visit, visitors would approach her and ask if they could help too.  After the third or fourth conversation, it was clear that FLSSP had an untapped volunteer pool in our community that couldn’t wait to spend their own time at the park getting their hands dirty and improve the park and the visitor experience all at the same time.

FLSSP worked with the incredible Lake Sammamish State Park staff to create this pilot program – the only one like it that we know of in Washington State Parks.  For now, all volunteers will need to bring their own tools with them to work but FLSSP hopes soon to offer sets of tools for check-out at the park office.  FLSSP provides tips and guidelines to make it clear where and what to weed, and remember, “when in doubt, don’t pull it out!”


There are a number of great benefits of this program to the volunteer and the park:

  • The first time you visit, we request that you check in with office staff before you start.  When you do, you’ll be rewarded with a new pair of gardening gloves!

  • No Discover Pass is required to volunteer!  If you don’t have one, you can get a volunteer pass at the office.

  • Volunteers who report their hours to FLSSP/WSP (which we highly recommend!) can earn swag from both organizations and will be invited to an annual recognition event at the park.

  • Volunteers who log 24 volunteer hours in a year can earn a free Discover Pass from State Parks!

  • The park staff are dedicated and hardworking but can’t keep up with all of the maintenance needs.  Deploying volunteers to address easy tasks like litter pickup and landscape beautification frees up park staff to work on more difficult or longer-term projects.  It also keeps the park looking its best so all visitors have a better experience.

In 2022, we had 15 volunteer events, with 263 volunteers, who completed 664 hours of work at the park, a total contribution of over $11,000!  Join us in 2023 or take part in this individual opportunity to help us make an even bigger impact!  Can’t wait to see you out at Lake Sammamish State Park!


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