Park Improvement Campaign

Friends of Lake Sammamish formed in 2013 to address the needs of a declining park environment. In ten years, FLSSP is proud of what it has been able to accomplish, but our mission is not one that we can do alone. To accomplish our goals FLSSP requires a whole community of support. As we launch into our next ten years, we are announcing an ambitious campaign to raise $25,000 for our FLSSP Park Improvement Fund.

With this $25,000 we aim to:

  1. Support shade tree replacement in the main picnic area offering climate refuge for families throughout the hotter months;

  2. Contribute to the cost of rubber surface maintenance on the Sunset Beach Children’s playground;

  3. Support continued restoration work around the park;

  4. Improve signage at the park with a new reader board;

  5. Provide annual Discover Passes to economically disadvantaged families.

Although we have an ambitious goal, we are confident that our generous community will support us and spread our message of need as we work together to build community at Lake Sammamish State Park!

Please consider donating today to the FLSSP Park Improvement Fund Campaign


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