Thank You for Giving BIG in 2024

Thank you to the 63 donors who contributed to our GiveBIG 2024 Campaign! You adopted 95 trees at our Tibbetts Creek Riparian Restoration site. Thanks to our supportive community, we more than met our goal of raising $5,000 to support our work restoring habitat throughout Lake Sammamish State Park. Whether you adopted a tree or not, we invite you to walk through our restoration site between now and June 15th to find your adopted tree or see who did!

We launched our Tibbetts Creek Riparian Restoration Project in Fall 2023.  Over fall and late winter, along with State Park staff and community volunteers, we cleared over 1.5 acres of blackberry and planted nearly 200 native trees and shrubs to improve habitat for salmon and other wildlife. We still have more to do. Throughout 2024, FLSSP and our volunteers will continue to enhance this site with more native plantings, invasive blackberry removal, and mulch.

The funds we raised during GiveBIG will allow us to continue to provide ongoing maintenance at this Tibbetts Creek restoration site AND to expand our efforts to new sites needing attention throughout the park. We encourage you to join us in these restoration efforts by volunteering at one of our monthly volunteer events, contacting us to set up a private group event, or donating funds to help support these efforts.

 We are forever grateful for our community’s support! Thank you for making GiveBIG 2024 a success!


Quarterly Update from Shawn Tobin, Washington State Parks Cascade Foothills Area Manager


I Love My State Parks Week: May 12-19