Celebrating Our Volunteers on Sept. 28th

FLSSP is a small organization who depends on its dedicated volunteers to help meet our mission to support, enhance, and promote Lake Sammamish State Park. This year alone we have had over 100 volunteers donate over 600 hours to help us pull blackberry, plant trees, move mulch, pick up litter, staff community events, and so much more. We could not be successful without the help and support of our community. Now it is our turn to celebrate you - our dedicated volunteers.

To say thank you, FLSSP is inviting you to our Volunteer Appreciation Picnic on September 28th from noon - 3 pm. After you enjoy a lovely provided lunch, FLSSP Board Members will be on hand to lead salmon and land restoration tours so you can learn more about the incredible work you are helping us achieve.

Please register to join us for this fun event to celebrate our incredible community of volunteers. We can’t wait to see you there!


Fall FLSSP Events at the Park


Crafting with FLSSP at ArtDoors