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Special Salmon Viewing Tour at LSSP

More than fifty participants came out to the park on Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 28 to enjoy special tours given by experts Bill Way, FLSSP Board Member and David Kyle of Trout Unlimited.

The tour began at the park and stopped at various places along Issaquah Creek. The guides presented information about salmon spawning and took participants along Issaquah Creek and off the beaten path to see if they could see Sockeye salmon milling around and migrating upstream to spawn. The guides also discussed water quality, water quantity and habitat needs for different species of salmon for migration, rearing, and spawning.

This new tour is part of a special program called “Walk & Talk” offered by Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park.

Stay tuned for more special tours and programming scheduled throughout the year.

October 18

KingCo Conference Championship

October 20

Bellevue Sub Varsity