December is the perfect time to step outside and admire our local feathered fauna. With many of the migratory birds having flown south for the season, you are likely to spot a few favorites that winter in the Pacific Northwest such as northern flickers, bald eagles, American coots, and great blue herons.
Washington state provides one of the best destinations in the country for bird watching as it is both a stopping point for hundreds of thousands of migrating birds as well as home to nearly 350 species. Of these, more than 220 can be sighted around the coasts, straits, inlets, and islands of Washington’s waterfront destinations. Lake Sammamish State Park offers a wide assortment of birds and habitats due to its varied ecosystems.
The trip will involve walking approximately 2-3 miles. Dress appropriately (rainproof in layers; some of the trails can be muddy if wet). Meet at 8:00 a.m. just inside the main entrance; take the first left into the large parking lot and meet at the northeast end. A Discover Pass is required to park. No registration required.
Co-leaders: Sharon Aagaard and Stan Wood. Call Sharon with any questions, 425-891-3460.