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Acoustic Panel Art Installation Reception

Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park (FLSSP) invites you to join us in celebrating the installation of six custom art acoustic panels in the Meadow Shelter! Join us Monday, July 8th at 6pm at the Meadow Shelter for a reception to view these captivating and functional art pieces; light refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP by Friday, July 5th.

Thanks to generous funding from the City of Issaquah Arts Commission, and in partnership with Washington State Parks, FLSSP sought artists to create custom artwork for functional panels that could address acoustic issues within the renovated Meadow Shelter. Bethany Fackrell and Austin Picinich, two celebrated local artists from East King County, were selected to create six pieces of art for this space. The artwork represents iconic wildlife that resides in the park, the heritage of Lake Sammamish, and the ability for our diverse communities to coexist with each other and with our natural environment. Bethany, a Snoqualmie Tribe member and Navy veteran, creates art in the Coast Salish Indigenous style; Austin, a local student and founder of the Save Our Salmon (SOS) Mural Series initiative, uses vibrant colors to spark joy. Both artists, inspired by the natural world around them, actively work to restore the threatened native Kokanee salmon population in Lake Sammamish.

Learn more about the Meadow Shelter, the artists, and this project here

June 24

June Summer Litter Pickup

July 13

Plant ID Walk