Rent a Kayak at the Park

Whether you want to rent a kayak solo or take lessons from an instructor, Issaquah Paddlesports at Tibbets Beach is the place to go.

Take a beginning kayak course, kayak rolling lesson, or advanced skills training, and your Kayak Academy instruction will be the most fun, exciting, and intense lessons you've ever had!

Experienced kayak instructors know that there are significant differences between the way a good kayaker paddles and the way paddling technique is typically being taught. This dichotomy is especially true in rough conditions when technique matters most.

Kayak Academy developed its own curriculum based on safety and modern techniques and became the industry leader. No other kayak school combines the ideal course locations, small class size, instructor experience, equipment resources, and practical training. The kayaking lessons are designed to maximize participant learning and success.

For more information and to sign up for courses offered, visit

August Classes: 

Fri, Aug 12 SK/RK 103, Beginning Rolling

Sat, Aug 13 Sea Kayaking 101, Beginning Sea Kayak Safety FOR ADULTS

Wed, Aug 17 Wednesday Evening Flat Water Kayak Coaching

Sat, Aug 20Sea Kayaking 101, Beginning Sea Kayak Safety FOR ADULTS


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Collective Activity Impacts Ancestral Lands