35 Things to do in the Park - #34 Habitat Restoration

FLSSP is planning to bring volunteers back to the park in small groups this March. There will be opportunities to assist with habitat restoration and landscaping.

FLSSP, in cooperation with State Parks and the Washington State Parks Foundation, has spearheaded efforts to landscape and improve the beds around the playground. Over the past several months, park staff has removed blackberry, volunteer trees and other invasive species from the beds around the play area.

If you are interested in helping out with invasive species removal, gardening or landscaping, email director@flssp.org and we will contact you when work parties return.

35 Things to do in the Park:

1. Swimming

2. Bird watching

3. Nature treasure hunt

4. Geocaching

5. Paddleboarding

6. Kayaking

7. Fishing

8. Launch your boat

9. Volleyball

10. Picnicking

11. Playground

12. Native plant trail

13. Soccer

14. Nature photography

15. Watch a sunset

16. Trail hikes

17. Bicycling (connect to E. Lake Sammamish Trail)

18. Birthday parties

19. Company picnics

20. Family reunion

21. Walk the dog (on a leash)

22. Build a sandcastle

23. Get sprayed by the big heron

24. Ride the zipline

25. Play chess or checkers

26. Attend a Jr. Ranger program

27. Attend a festival or event

28. Go for a run

29. Salmon watch

30. Practice "catch"

31. Volunteer for FLSSP in event planning

32. Plein air painting

33. Day camp with a youth group

34. Habitat restoration volunteer

35. Gardening/beautification


Special Holiday Geocaches Coming to the Park


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