Bill Way Selected as Volunteer of the Year

Bill Way, FLSSP Board member and head of the Trails Commitee, was presented the Volunteer of The Year Award for his work on the Comprehensive Trails Plan at FLSSP’s annual meeting in November. Bill has donated hundreds of hours to spearhead and promote this ambitious project which will improve user experience in the park for our entire community.

Whether in his personal or professional life, Bill Way has always worked to protect the environment and improve our community. As the founder and president of the Watershed Company in 1983, he led a staff of 30 scientists, engineers and designers in their work to assess and restore stream and wetland environments and advise local governments on environmental preservation and policy.

He has also served on the Waterworks Grants Board, helping the King County Water Resources department make decisions on who should receive $2 million each year for conservation projects in the County. Bill was protecting our Pacific Northwest waters before it was fashionable--receiving the Izaak Walton League Save our Streams Award thirty years ago.

Bill's wetland restoration work at Paine Field in Everett allowed the Boeing Company to expand there and keep the 787 work in the Seattle area. In addition to his Trail Plan at LSSP, his work in Issaquah includes the restoration of Tibbetts Creek adjacent to the Rowley Properties and restoration planning and design on Issaquah Creek adjacent to Squak Valley Park. He retired from The Watershed Company in 2016.

In addition to serving on the Board of Friends of LSSP, he's also on the board of Mid-Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group. No one is more dedicated than Bill. According to his wife Nancy, Bill removes several truckloads of garbage from the north end of Lake Sammamish via boat every spring. It is backbreaking labor!


Peter Herzog Selected as Interim Director of State Parks


FLSSP Photo Contest