Reflecting on 2021

Despite COVID restrictions and uncertainties, FLSSP continues to promote the outdoors and improve the park. With our trails committee leading the charge, the ambitious Comprehensive Trails Plan is now complete. This year the organization has raised over $95,000 towards the $200,000 necessary to match the $3 million in grant money.

We were also able to host several of our signature events and we even launched several new events. Camp S’more Family Camp Out and Walk'n Wag were both well attended and much appreciated.

With the support of Visit Issaquah, we organized several DIY “Walks in the Park ” including Martin Luther King Day, Valentine’s Day, Earth Day and Grandparents Day. For the first time ever, FLSSP organized, installed and promoted a temporary sculpture installation around the Kitchen Shelter which featured ten local artists.

Ongoing beautification and restoration efforts around the All Acess playground continue. In 2021 over 250 volunteers provided over 600 volunteer hours in the park!

Finally we welcomed several new board members including Chris Davis and Diane Mortenson. Long time board member Norah Carse passed away in June leaving big shoes for new board members to fill.

Thank you to our friends, partners, volunteers and supporters. We share a love for our outdoor spaces, this community and Lake Sammamish State Park. We are successful because of you.


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Thank you to All of Our Volunteers