Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership - Little Red Fish Forever 

At the heart of Puget Sound, the Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership (UWRP) encompasses 100 square miles of habitat, with Lake Sammamish State Park at its center. Designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2013 , this watershed refuge provides a gateway for the Greater Seattle community to connect with the beauty of this region's natural environment. 

More than 50 partner groups work together as part of the Lake Sammamish UWRP to conserve fish and wildlife, protect watershed health, and enhance community connections to the natural environment. The Lake Sammamish Kokanee Workgroup is at the heart of this effort, bringing together state and federal agencies, King County, city governments, tribes, concerned citizens, conservation groups, and other partners to restore salmon habitat and the native kokanee population. Trout Unlimited is the steward of the UWRP, and we have launched a new outreach effort for the lake and kokanee coined “Little Red Fish Forever”. 

 Little Red Fish Forever and the UWRP is a community-powered effort to save kokanee salmon from extinction by connecting the community with the Lake Sammamish watershed through hands-on and virtual experiences.  Help us save the health of Lake Sammamish and the Little Red Fish Forever! Follow us @LittleRedFish4ever 


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