Walk'n Wag - March 19 - 10 a.m. to Noon


Calling all dogs and their humans! The Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park is happy to announce the 2nd annual "Walk 'n Wag" canine inspired walk-a-thon to raise funds for improving the park. Come meet other dog owners in the community, make new friends and have fun! If you do not have a dog, but like dogs, come and see what's going on! Dog owners and walkers are invited to bring their best pals for a walk around the park on a 5k trail walk or 3k all-accessible option. There will be an Agility Course along the way for added fun for the dogs! In addition, the Doggie Village will include booths from sponsors and other local dog service providers. An exciting raffle will include special items from these and other pet-friendly businesses and organizations.

Family entry is $50 for a family of up to 4. Individual entry: kids 15 or under, $15; 16 or older $20. March 19 is a free day at the park, so no Discover Pass is required.

Register early (by March 1) to get two neckerchiefs - one for you and one for your pup - and one raffle ticket. After March 1, registration will include one handkerchief.

Additional raffle tickets will be for sale at the event. Food including coffee, muffins and hot dogs (of course!) will be available for purchase.

Thanks to sponsor VCA Alpine Animal Hospital and media sponsors Issaquah Press, Macaroni Kids and WARM 106.9 radio!

To sign up:


Or go to Eventbrite and search for Walk ‘n Wag!




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All-Access Playdays at the All-Access Playground - March 1 and March 30