All Access Playground Wins First Place!
Macaroni Kid readers chose Lake Sammamish State Park to be the top award recipient in the “Most Loved Park or Playground” category! This is the second year in a row that the state park has won first place.
Early Giving is Open!
Please participate in giveBIG this year and help Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park! Your gift helps us support and advocate for the park, enables us to facilitate habitat restoration and provides educational programming and specaial events.
Volunteers Needed to Help Restore the Earth
Want to meet new people, do something good for the environment and volunteer outside? Come join us at Lake Sammamish State Park and participate in habitat restoration for our Arbor Day Celebration. To sign up email
Summer Employment Opportunities at the Park
Love to be outside? Experience the natural beauty of Washington State Parks and get paid to do it! Lake Sammamish State Park is looking for Park Aides for this summer...