Fit4Mom Classes Are a Hit with Moms and Babies!


Katy Taylor of Fit4Mom provided this full description of this activity: “Stroller Strides® is a stroller-based fitness program designed for moms with little ones. Each 60-minute, total body workout incorporates power walking, strength, toning, songs and activities. Certified fitness instructors offer a variety of fun class formats both indoors and outdoors. We also offer a free playgroup with Our Village so moms can form lasting friendships with other moms through organized playdates, moms' nights out, and activities for the whole family.”

Classes began the week of Oct. 17 and are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:45 a.m. at the ‘flex’ space in the bathhouse at Sunset Beach adjacent to the new playground!

Check out their website to learn more:

They also have a Facebook page:


Welcome Kit Ledbetter – new FLSSP Trustee!


Playground Update - Oct. 19, 2016