Salmon SEEson is Coming!
Salmon SEEson is coming to our area once again. This King County initiative identifies numerous opportunities to view salmon as they return to spawn in various tributaries around Puget Sound. We're fortunate to have several locations established in Issaquah. Lake Sammamish State Park has an excellent public viewing area for salmon and wildlife habitat. The outlet from Issaquah Creek feeds into Lake Sammamish at a peninsula in the park. A boardwalk built through wetlands along the creek in 2013 gives access to its mouth. New interpretive panels add to the educational experience. In the fall, this is where several salmon species make their final journey from the lake up the creek to the salmon hatchery and beyond.
The opportunity to see most species begins around mid-September and continues through November, with the best chance of spotting fish in early October. The best viewing locations at Lake Sammamish State Park are from the bridge crossing Issaquah Creek, along the boardwalk through the wetlands and at the end of the boardwalk where the creek flows into Lake Sammamish. Murky water can limit viewing. Check the “Friends” website for potential docent activities. Flyers and educational brochures will be posted at the Sunset Beach Bathhouse. Salmon Days in Issaquah will be on October 6 and 7 this year. Here is more information about the program and various locations posted around the county: