Looking for Volunteer Naturalists!
Do you like being outside? Do you enjoy working with youth? Come join us at Lake Sammamish State Park as one of our Volunteer Naturalist and help us educate the next generation of stewards! For more information, contact Joy Kacoroski at joy.kacoroski@parks.wa.gov or by phone (425) 507-7233.
Free Programs Teach Kids About Nature
Lake Sammamish State Park and naturalist Joy Kacorowski will be offering programs every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from June 16th to September 2nd, with the exception of July 29th -30th. Programs are designed for all ages focusing on the natural and cultural resources found at Lake Sammamish State Park. Programs include guided walks, junior ranger programs, interactive activities and demonstrations. Program times
All-Access Playdays at the All-Access Playground - March 1 and March 30
All-Access Playdays at the All-Access Playground - March 1 and March 30We welcome children of all abilities, ages and skill levels as well as their caregivers to learn how to use the new all-access play equipment on Wednesday March 1 and/or Thursday March 30 from 3 to 5 p.m.
Playground Update - Oct. 19, 2016
The playground is open! About 200 people came out in the rain on Oct. 15 to help recognize the donors, meet the WARM Radio bear and Woody from Toy Story, eat cookies and cut the ribbon. But mostly they came to swing and slide and jump and climb and explore the playground!
Playground Update - August 3, 2016
Looking for a fun team building activity? Come to the park and help construct the equipment for the new all-access playground, due to open by October 1!
About 15 volunteers per day are needed for half-day or all-day shifts for Community Build Days, Aug. 24, 25, 26. Especially needed are volunteers comfortable working with power tools. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old. Lunch will be provided!
To volunteer, sign up at www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c4faeaf2ca6f94-playground
Playground Update - July 20, 2016
State Parks has decided to direct some of its department funds to poured-in-place rubber surfacing for the playground to make it the most accessible it can be. However, a few other cost overruns and change orders have put some of the finishing touches in funding jeopardy (e.g., landscaping, benches, etc.). Lakeside Industries to the rescue! Lakeside, based in Issaquah, has already donated 1,500 tons of fill dirt and gravel for the playground. But with the new surfacing, another 700 tons of aggregate is needed. Lakeside’s manager Jim Weidman said “We need to get to the finish line. Lakeside is in!”
Lakeside, this week you are the playground’s Super Hero! Shall we say Super Heron?
Do you Parkadilly? Of course you do! July 24!
Experience an amazing afternoon at Parkadilly at Lake Sammamish. Come to the FREE kids' concert, fair & fun!
July 24, noon to 5 p.m.!
Presented by Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park.
Special thanks to our presenting sponsor, Windermere Real Estate East
Volunteers still needed, contact director@flssp.org
AVP Seattle Open Returns
The Association of Volleyball Professionals (AVP) Seattle Open returns to the Park on June 2-5.Many volunteers are needed age 12 and up. Contact director@flssp.org for all the info!
Oh, What Fun to Walk 'n Wag!
Thanks to all the Walkers and Waggers that came out for the big event! More than $2000 was raised for the new all-access playground!